Health Packages

Health Packages

ANC Profile (CBC, Blood Group, Glucose (F), TSH, VDRL, HIV, HbsAg, Urine R/M)

ANC Profile with HPLC (CBC, BG, Glucose (F), TSH, VDRL, HIV, HbSAg, Urine R/M, HPLC)

ANC profile with HCV (CBC, BG, Glucose (F), TSH, VDRL, HIV, HbSAg, Urine R/M, HCV)

Iron Studies (Iron, UIBC,TIBC, Transferrin Saturation)

Iron Profile (Iron, UIBC, TIBC, Transferrin Saturation + Ferritin)

Fever Panel I (CBC, MP, Widal, Urine R/M)

Fever Panel II (CBC, MP, Widal, SGOT, SGPT, Urine R/M)

Fever panel (comprehensive) (Hemogram, MP, Widal, SGOT, 8 SGPT. Typhidot, Urine R/M, Dengue NS1, Chikungunya IgM, Urine C/S, Blood C/S)

Diabetes Package 1 (Glucose (F), HbA1C, Microalbumin urine spot)

Diabetes Package II (Glucose (F), HbA1C, Microalbumin urine spot, KFT, Lipid profile, Serum fructosamine)

Hypertension package (Hemogram, Glucose(F), Lipid profile, LFT, KFT, HbA1C, TFT, hsCRP, Homocysteine)

Infertility profile (Female) (CBC, HbA1C, Glucose (F), Lipid 13 profile, TSH, LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone-total, Progesterone, E2

Infertility profile (Male) (CBC, HbA1C, Glucose (F), Lipid profile, TSH, LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone-total)

PCOD Profile [CBC, Glucose (F), TSH,LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone-total, DHEAS, Insulin (F)]

Hirsuitism Profile (LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone-total, DHEAS, Progesterone)

Bad obstetric history Panel (TSH, ANA (By LPA), TORCH IgM, TORCH IgG, LAC, ACLA IgG/IgM, APLA IgG/IgM

Arthritis Panel (Basic) (CBC, ESR, CRP (Quantitative). Uric acid, RA factor (Quantitative). ASO titre)

Arthritis Panel (Advanced) (CBC, ESR, CRP (Quantitative), Uric acid, RA factor (Quantitative). ASO titre, ANA (By LPA)]

Arthritis Panel (Comprehensive) (CBC, ESR, CRP (Quantitative), Uric acid, RA factor (Quantitative), ASO titre, ANA (By LPA), Calcium, Phosphorus, ALP, Anti CCP, Vitamin D)

Healthy heart profile (CBC, Glucose(F), Lipid profile, LFT, KFT, HbA1C,TFT,hsCRP, Homocysteine)

Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel (RA Factor, ANA (By LPA), Anti CCP

Anaemia panel (Basic) (CBC, P/S, CRP (Quantitative), Iron profile)

Anaemia panel (Advanced) (CBC, P/S, CRP (Quantitative). Iron profile, HPLC)

Anaemia panel (Comprehensive) (CBC with ESR, P/S, CRP 24 (Quantitative), Iron profile, HPLC, Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Reticulocyte count, Stool for Occult blood)

Macrocytic anaemia panel (CBC, P/S, Reticulocyte count, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid)

Thalassemia profile (CBC, ESR, P/S, Reticulocyte count, HPLC)

Coagulation Panel (CBC, PT with INR, APTT/PTTK)

Cancer Screen (Male) (CBC, AFP, CEA, CA 19.9, PSA)

Cancer Screen (Female) (CBC, AFP, CEA, CA 19.9, CA 15.3, CA 125, HCG)

Chronic Kidney Disease Panel (KFT, GFR, Urine
microalbumin/creatinine ratio, Hb, Vitamin D, PTH intact)

Preoperative Panel (PAC) (CBC, Blood group, PT with INR, Blood Urea, Creatinine, HbsAg, HIV, HCV)

Whole body Checkup (Basic) (CBC with ESR, Fasting Glucose (FBS), LIPID, LFT, KFT Screen, Serum Iron

Whole body Checkup (Advanced-1) (CBC with ESR, FBS, LIPID, LFT, KFT Screen, Serum Iron Studies, TFT)

Whole body Checkup (Advanced-2) (CBC with ESR, 34 HBA1C, FBS, LIPID, LFT, KFT Screen, Serum Iron Studies, TFT)

Whole body Checkup (Comprehensive) ( (CBC, HBA1C, 35 FBS, LIPID, LFT, KFT Screen, Serum Iron Studies, TFT,
VitB12, VitD3)